. . . and maybe even a few more.

We empower young men to overcome these challenges and develop into exceptional men of ironclad character.

Life Coaching Custom Built For Young Men.


Blacksmith Mentors is an exclusive team of accomplished, purpose-driven men who serve as life coaches and mentors for young men. 

Working directly with our clients to customize and personalize our proven One•2•One Blacksmith Mentors Coaching Curriculum, we empower young men to build the mindset, develop the habits, and construct the character that leads to a meaningful life of purpose, achievement, and extraordinary fulfillment.

Real results that last a lifetime.

Initiative & Motivation



Isolation & Digital Addiction



Self-Esteem & Body Image



Purpose & Direction



Relationships & Connection



*Based on a survey of young men who completed the 12-session One•2•One Blacksmith Mentors Coaching Curriculum.


that last a lifetime.

Initiative & Motivation



Isolation & Digital Addiction



Self-Esteem & Body Image



Purpose & Direction



Personal Confidence



Relationships & Connection



* Based on a survey of parents whose sons completed the 12-session One•2•One Blacksmith Mentors Coaching Curriculum.



We match our clients with the perfect coach.

Based on conversations, questionnaires, life experiences, communication style, and personality, we match our clients with the absolute perfect coach. Partnering young men with the right coach is the most important step of the process.


Identify critical areas to improve immediately.

As the coaching process begins, it's essential that our clients to experience immediate success. The moment a young man begins to feel a small, positive transformation happening, that will fuel his desire to create bigger, more dramatic changes.


Set a series of SMART Goals that inspire, fuel, and drive a young man forward.

The key to setting goals is to make sure they're SMART. [Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Realistic. Timely.] We work with our clients every step of the way to ensure they have the tools and the intrinsic motivation to be successful.


Motivate. Celebrate. Recalibrate.

Don't let the title fool you. This is where the real work begins. Now that the foundation in place, we provide the tools required to stay motivated when challenges arise; celebrate victories; and, most importantly, recalibrate, recommit, and restart in the face of adversity. 


Develop a system of personal accountability.

The young me we work with develop a deep understanding of personal accountability and OWNERSHIP. They adopt the mindset and develop the habit of owning all aspects of their life - from wins to his losses; from victories to failures. This system of personal accountability serves as the foundation of our mission: Forging exceptional young men of ironclad character.

When my husband and I first found Blacksmith Mentors, we had such high hopes. We just felt it was right for our son. It turned out to be even better than what we had hoped for!

Angela B.


I honestly think I scrolled through the site 10 times before finally filling out the form. I'm so glad I did! I'm shocked at how much progress my son has made in so little time.

Kim C.


Our son's Mentor has been so effective in reinforcing what we believe in and try to teach our son. I'm so proud of the changes our son has made and the young man he's becoming.

William T.



When my husband and I first found Blacksmith Mentors, we had such high hopes. We just felt it was right for our son. It turned out to be even better than what we had hoped for!

Angela B.


I honestly think I scrolled through the site 10 times before finally filling out the form. I'm so glad I did! I'm shocked at how much progress my son has made in so little time.

Kim C.


Our son's Mentor has been so effective in reinforcing what we believe in and try to teach our son. I'm so proud of the changes our son has made and the young man he's becoming.

William T.





Step 1:


Contact us by simply filling out the form. As soon as you click submit, you'll have an opportunity to schedule your free consultation call.

Step 2:


This free 30-minute Consultation Call is an opportunity for us to learn more about your son and for you to learn about Blacksmith Mentors. By the end of this session we'll both know if our program is right for your son. Either way, you will leave the conversation with tools you can use right now to make a positive impact in his life.

We'll take it from there . . .

If after our Consultation Call we both decide that Blacksmith Mentors is right for your son, we'll set up a time to talk with your son so we can match him with the perfect coach. Then, we'll immediately get to work on customizing the One•2•One Blacksmith Mentors Coaching Curriculum so that it aligns with your son's personality and individual needs.

About 3 minutes into that first Consultation Call I told my husband, "This is it! This is exactly what our son needs!" We were right. What an impact you've made!

Melissa R.


I think the first thing we noticed was our son taking responsibility for his life - his grades, his bedroom, being on time, everything. There really has been a very noticeable change.

Jason D.


My son loves his Mentor and he talks about him and their sessions constantly. For school he had to write a paper about an "everyday hero". Of course, he chose his Mentor.

Amy A.



About 3 minutes into that first Consultation Call I told my husband, "This is it! This is exactly what our son needs!" We were right. What an impact you've made!

Melissa R.


I think the first thing we noticed was our son taking responsibility for his life - his grades, his bedroom, being on time, everything. There really has been a very noticeable change.

Jason D.


My son loves his Mentor and he talks about him and their sessions constantly. For school he had to write a paper about an "everyday hero". Of course, he chose his Mentor.

Amy A.





"Is it just my son who is struggling?"

Absolutely NOT.

Teen boys have been falling further behind for decades. While only recently has it been in the headlines, the men of Blacksmith Mentors have been focused on this issue and transforming the lives of young men for years. Here are a few current statistics:


Boys are 4.5 times more likely to be expelled from school.

Over 73% of students diagnosed with learning disabilities are boys.

80% of teenagers taking Ritalin® are boys.

5 times as many boys are dyslexic than girls. (Note: Dyslexic boys tend to THRIVE in our program!)

3 times as many boys than girls are diagnosed with ADHD and boys are more than twice as likely to be medicated.

70% of the top 10% of high school graduates are girls, while 70% of the bottom 10% are boys.

Less than 40% of college students are male. By 2030 there will be a 2:1 ratio of girls to boys with college degrees.


Boys are twice as likely to abuse drugs and alcohol.

Males (ages 15 - 25) commit suicide 3 to 4 times more than girls.

Over 80% of all teenagers arrested are boys.

30% of young men between the age 18 and 25 are completely dependent - not enrolled in school, unemployed, still living with parents or family.

93.3% of prisoners are male.

92% of workplace deaths are men.

Over the last 20 years, total testosterone levels have decreased in young men by 25%.

Our results speak for themselves.


speak for themselves.

We're so PROUD of our son! His friends' parents have even asked, "What have you done with your kid? He's the most polite young man ever!" Everyone is talking about how much he has changed!

Jennifer B.


We're so PROUD of our son! His friends' parents have even asked, "What have you done with your kid? He's the most polite young man ever!" Everyone is talking about how much he has changed!

Jennifer B.


I've been teaching for 19 years and I've never seen anything like it. In just a few months he went from an immature, 15-year old boy to being a responsible, confident young man. Working with his Mentor has been great.

Chad T.

HS Teacher

I've been teaching for 19 years and I've never seen anything like it. In just a few months he went from an immature, 15-year old boy to being a responsible, confident young man. Working with his Mentor has been great.

Chad T.

HS Teacher

People now describe my son as motivated, organized, confident, and helpful. Believe me, that's NOT what they would've said 6 months ago. His Mentor helped him discover his true self.

Jessica N.


People now describe my son as motivated, organized, confident, and helpful. Believe me, that's NOT what they would've said 6 months ago. His Mentor helped him discover his true self.

Jessica N.


" . . . you have truly forged our son into an exceptional young man of ironclad character."
" . . . you have truly forged our son into an exceptional young man of ironclad character."

. . . and the answers you've been searching for.

Yes, it’s really free. We’ll spend about 30 minutes talking about your son to see if he’s a good fit for our program. Equally important, we'll discuss if we're a good fit for him.

Also, we’ll provide you with some strategies that you can put in place right now to start supporting him at home. We want you to see an immediate difference with your son's personal development and we’ll help you do that on the very first call.

Simple, that’s where our expertise lies.
Our coaches are all men who have been where your son is right now. We know exactly what he’s going through. Not only have we collectively helped hundreds of teen boys just like your son (not to mention parenting our own boys); but, most importantly, we’ve been there - we’ve all personally lived through exactly what your son is currently dealing with. As a result, we are extremely effective at helping young men work through those issues. It’s because we've focused specifically on coaching only teen boys that we’ve developed such effective transformation strategies and have produced such tremendous results.

Accepting a new boy into our program is an honor, privilege, and responsibility that we don’t take lightly. Being an exceptional coach who produces measurable results takes time - a lot of time, especially outside of the scheduled sessions with the young men we mentor. Between researching and preparing for each session, documenting and reviewing notes after each session, messaging and emailing our young men between sessions, updating parents, etc., we simply don’t have the time to take on more than a small group of new boys per month.

Additionally, our Blacksmith Mentors coach young men because they want to, not because they need to. All of our mentors have extremely full lives outside of their coaching role. The men in our community of coaches are all extremely successful professionals. We have entrepreneurs, school principals and superintendents, CEOs of corporations, church leaders, non-profit founders, fitness professionals, teachers and more.

One of the most common misconceptions about life coaching and mentorship is that it is therapy in disguise – or, worse yet – therapy from an unlicensed practitioner. In reality, our style of mentorship and coaching is truly its own unique service designed to help teen boys overcome challenges and develop the mindset, habits, personal discipline, emotional control, and character that will bring them success and fulfillment in all areas of life.

Here are some of the differences between a life coach/mentor vs. therapist:

The idea behind therapy is to focus on past traumas and issues to change self-destructive habits, repair and improve relationships, and work through painful feelings. In this sense, therapy focuses on the past and on introspection and analysis, with the hope of resolving past issues and creating a happier, more stable future.

In life coaching/mentorship relationship, a client works with a coach to clarify goals and identify obstacles and problematic behaviors in order to create action plans to achieve desired results. A life coach takes the client’s current starting point as an acceptable neutral ground and is more action-based from that point forward. A life coach enables their client to take control of their life and take action to steer it toward their goals.

The One•2•One Blacksmith Mentors Coaching Curriculum is a highly structured 12-session program. We've found that twelve sessions is the minimum time it takes for young men to successfully make it through the program and see dramatic, lasting results.

The guys in our program are typically between the ages of 14 and 22. We’ve worked with every type of young man you can imagine . . . from boys who play sports to those who play video games; from boys who are school-loving academic wizards to those who hate everything about school; from boys who are “the life of the party” to those who are painfully shy; and, everything in between. We’ve seen it all.

However, what they all have in common is that every boy who is accepted into the program has a kind heart, amazing potential, a desire to do something great with his life, and loving, supportive parents.

We'll be the first to admit that our program is absolutely NOT for everyone. That said, for those boys who are a good fit for what we do, the results are remarkable.

By the end of our first consultation call, we’ll both have a really good idea if Blacksmith Mentors would be a good fit for your son. Typically, it's obvious if we should move forward with bringing your son into our program or support you in finding a different solution.

This is completely up to you. Parents can be as hands-on or as hands-off in this process as they’d like to be. Before the coaching process begins, the parent/legal guardian is provided with the coach’s contact information. We encourage parents to provide the coach with updates, successes, areas of concern, or questions as frequently as they’d like.

We highly encourage parents to communicate with their son’s coach to discuss how to best support their son during the coaching process.

For the vast majority of our teen boys, parents tend to let this be an experience just for their son and take a hands-off approach with the coach. At this age, it’s important for a young man to take independent ownership of his personal development (without feeling like his parents are constantly “checking on him”) and experience what this kind of personal responsibility feels like, allowing his parents to see the evidence of his focused effort.

That said, even with a hands-off approach, your son's coach will provide you with detailed updates.

Each session is scheduled for 50 minutes. However, it’s not uncommon for sessions to run much longer than the scheduled time. The frequency of those sessions (weekly, biweekly, monthly) depends on many factors, including specific goals, schedules, personality, etc.

Remember, the 12-session One•2•One Blacksmith Mentors Coaching Curriculum is not about the specific number of minutes or sessions. It’s about creating the desired results that are determined at the beginning of the coaching process.

Also, it's important to keep in mind that coaches are consistently in contact with their clients between sessions.

We pride ourselves on our discretion and confidentiality. We have a confidentiality policy that protects all parties involved in the coaching process. Additionally, all coaches for Blacksmith Mentors sign an NDA.

Anything our clients say during a coaching session, or via any other communication with the coach, is kept confidential between the client and their coach which allows our clients to be vulnerable and authentic. The same is true for anything that is shared between the parents and the coach.

In all communications and agreement documents, it will be clear that if a client ever discloses information about being in danger, or someone they know is in danger, the coach will immediately contact the parents, Blacksmith Mentors leadership team, and any and all necessary additional parties.

The lines of communication are always kept open between Blacksmith Mentors and each coach and all information shared about a client with be held in strict confidence.

Remember, the men of Blacksmith Mentors are all fathers. When working with young men they are constantly asking themselves, "Would I need/want to know this information if I was the parent?"

Hal Bowman, Founder of Blacksmith Mentors, personally vets and selects our coaches.

Coaches are hand-picked from a pool of hundreds of men he's personally known for years. Men are selected, not just based on what they do in life, but more importantly, who they are as a person and the value they bring to the lives of others. Before a man is even considered for a coaching position, he must provide objective evidence that he is an accomplished, high-performing, purpose-driven, virtuous man of character who has demonstrated expertise in coaching and mentoring young men.

Blacksmith Mentors is truly an exclusive group of extraordinarily, unique men who have committed their lives to supporting, empowering, and mentoring the leaders of tomorrow.

Yes, with our coaches and clients spread across the nation, coaching sessions are done solely online.

We typically use Google Meet as the platform. In between sessions, we use additional apps for communicating, tracking habits and goals, as well as organization and time management strategies.

We get that question a lot. Or even, “There’s absolutely NO WAY my son will agree to coaching!”

If after our Consultation Call we both agree that coaching is right for your son, we’ll provide you with everything you need to properly and strategically present the idea to him.

To begin the coaching experience, your only goal is to get your son to agree to the initial Connection Call with his coach. We’ll take care of the rest from there.

No problem at all.

We know people are busy and sometimes “life happens”. In fact, with their busy professional schedules and family lives, even our coaches may occasionally need to reschedule a session.

If your son has a scheduling conflict and needs to reschedule a session, it will be his responsibility to handle that. Working with his coach, your son will learn how to reschedule appointments in an appropriate and professional manner. 

Additionally, your son and his coach will be in regular contact between coaching sessions so he will have ample opportunity to reschedule.

What an amazing year this has been for our son! Everything is better. His grades, friends, attitude, work ethic - just all of it. I've probably sent his Mentor 10 thank you notes!

Amanda L.


He used to just lock himself in his room and be on his phone for hours. Now, I hardly ever see him on his phone. Not only did I get my son back, it feels like I got our family back!

Heather G.


Of course I'm happy, but more than that, even as a stepdad, I'm just filled with so much PRIDE. We never had a relationship before. Now I feel like his dad AND his best friend.

Michael S.

Stepdad & BFF


What an amazing year this has been for our son! Everything is better. His grades, friends, attitude, work ethic - just all of it. I've probably sent his Mentor 10 thank you notes!

Amanda L.


He used to just lock himself in his room and be on his phone for hours. Now, I hardly ever see him on his phone. Not only did I get my son back, it feels like I got our family back!

Heather G.


Of course I'm happy, but more than that, even as a stepdad, I'm just filled with so much PRIDE. We never had a relationship before. Now I feel like his dad AND his best friend.

Michael S.

Stepdad & BFF
The solution parents need.

The opportunity your son deserves.

Discover more today!

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